Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I opened the paper...

It's amazing how fast things can change. About a year and a 1/2 ago I learned how much free stuff you can get by couponing and reading blogs...and I went nuts (scroll through the blog to see all the stuff I got). Then November of this year hit and I stopped cold turkey. I never thought I would quit couponing. Now I haven't quit, but since November looking at pictures of food has repulsed me, and I have been so sick I haven't had energy to focus on anything but the basics (because of being pregnant). I simply did not care how much food cost at the store- I just wanted to get the stuff and go home as soon as possible. Now I am 17 weeks along and I still feel sick. I still have to take nausea pills, and I still have bad nights. BUT...after spending $80 on groceries at Walmart the other day I decided I need to start being more frugal again. Soooo...

I opened the paper this week (big step). I glanced at the coupons (but have not cut them out yet). I started reading some of the blogs on my blogroll once in a while again. I plan to look at the grocery add this week and I hope I can begin to save a fraction of what I was saving before:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have missed seeing your thrifty deals. I am also a teacher and know how hard it is to manage everything, let alone not feel well. I hope that you are feeling better and more thrifty soon.